

You can help support our 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization from here. All proceeds from the donations go to supporting the Library’s children and adult programs and the resource requests from the Library Director or Manager. Donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Cash donations also may be made in the Library at the Library Circulation desk or the donation box at the Circulation counter.

Make checks payable to:

The Friends of Pomona Public Library (FOPPL)

Drop the check in one of the donation boxes OR mail it to:

Friends of the Pomona Public Library
P.O. Box 2271
Pomona, CA 91769

Or, contribute to our online donation drive:


The Pomona Public Library accepts gifts (including publisher’s gift copies) for the library’s collection that fall within needed subject categories, as determined by the Library Director and the staff. Gift additions must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials and are subject to the following limitations:

The library retains unconditional ownership of the gift.
The library makes the final decision on the use or other disposition of the gift.
The library reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing and access to the materials.

Duplicate titles or other gifts not needed in the collection will be given to the Friends of the Library for their monthly book sale. All gifts must be in excellent condition. The library will accept for evaluation gift materials only in designated areas as listed below:

California History
Children’s books
Fiction by classic authors
Genealogy books
Large print books
Magazines (no more than 2 yrs old, with the exception of National Geographic and selected magazine titles)
Materials relating to Pomona and the surrounding areas
Non-fiction books (non-technical)
Non-print material related to Pomona history
Spoken word titles

If you have books to donate, please call the Library at (909) 620-2043.